2019 Hacking during the month from 8am to 2pm .
Thursday hackers are welcome to join in. Bring your bush saw and lopper if you have. We assemble before 8 at the centre and drive to site at the moment. Take water and snack with.
We work in the Tygerberg reserve or Bothasig reserve or at Van Schoorsdrif reserve along N7
Hacking refers to the activity of removing the alien vegetation . The Hack team assists the manager of the Tygerberg Nature Reserve , taking out mostly Pine trees , Port Jackson and Rooikrans bushes and alien plants in the reserves. The Hacking team also undertakes Maintenance tasks in the nature reserve that includes the painting of signs, building and repairing hiking trails and bridges.
You must be prepared to cut and pull , walk off the tracks , get sweaty , scratched and sometimes even wet , but that is all part of the fun of a hack in a half day work !
Contact the hack leader Sjaak on 081 3011793 or sjaakbok@webmail.co.za
Hacked in May cutting pine trees.
Hack was done 25th April cutting pine trees.